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Getting to grips with the RESONUT web platform


The RESONUT (Network of Experts in Nutritional and Food Security) web platform is an essential tool for all actors working in the field of nutrition and food security. To maximize its use and familiarize new users with its features, we regularly organize getting started sessions. This article details the content of these sessions and the benefits you can gain from them. This article provides you with detailed information about the content of these sessions and the benefits you can gain from them

Session objectives

The main objectives of the RESONUT web platform training sessions are to :

  1. Present the platform’s key functionalities: Each user must be able to navigate easily and access the information relevant to their work.
  2. Training users in collaboration tools : The platform offers a range of tools to facilitate teamwork, communication and resource sharing.
  3. Ensuring efficient, secure use: Data security is paramount, and it’s essential that every user knows the best practices for protecting sensitive information.
  4. Answering participants’ questions: Time is set aside to answer participants’ specific questions and help them solve any technical problems.

Session content

1. Introduction to the platform

The session begins with a general presentation of the platform: its purpose, its target users, and its main features. This introduction situates the tool’s importance in the context of food and nutritional security.

2. Navigation and Basic Operation

Participants learn how to navigate the platform, search for information, and use the various sections available (articles, reports, statistical data, etc.). A live demonstration shows how to perform these actions efficiently.

3. Collaboration tools

The RESONUT platform integrates various collaboration tools such as discussion forums, shared workspaces and videoconferencing modules. The session details how to use these tools to foster fluid communication and productive collaboration between members.

4. Security and Data Protection

An essential part of the session concerns safety. Participants are trained in best practices for protecting their accounts and the data they handle. This includes advice on password management, recognizing phishing attempts, and using the security options offered by the platform.

5. Questions & Answers

The session ends with a question and answer session. Participants can ask specific questions, solve problems they have encountered, and get personalized advice to optimize their use of the platform.


Getting to grips with the RESONUT web platform is a valuable opportunity for all users, whether new or experienced. By taking part in these sessions, you will ensure that you fully master the tools at your disposal, improve your work efficiency, and actively contribute to RESONUT’s mission to promote food and nutrition security.

We invite you to register for the next session and discover all the possibilities the RESONUT platform has to offer for your projects and collaborations.